Around 3,000 personnel from 19 NATO Allies and partners are taking part in the annual BALTOPS naval exercise that kicked off in the Baltic Sea on Sunday 7. June 2020. The 49th BALTOPS exercise, which runs until 16 June, involves maritime and air forces with around 30 ships and submarines,Continue Reading

International Center for the Study of Violent Extremism (ICSVE) invites to a Panel Discussion with the topic “Issues of ISIS Prisoners & Repatriations in a Time of COVID” featuring Tasnime Akunjee, Attorney for Shamima Begum’s family, Anthony Loyd, Senior Journalist & War Correspondent, The Times and Anne Speckhard, Director ICSVEContinue Reading

Forsvarsministeren vil møte forsvarsindustrien for å diskutere situasjonen som har oppstått som følge av koronakrisen Forsvarsdepartementet har iverksatt tiltak, og vurderer fortløpende behovet for nye tiltak, for å støtte nasjonal forsvarsindustri. Forsvarsdepartementet ser på tiltak utover de generelle økonomiske tiltakspakkene for å avhjelpe skadevirkninger av korona-krisen. Inngripende tiltak for åContinue Reading

Message fron NATO: As the COVID-19 outbreak continues, we at NATO are deeply grateful to all those on the front line. We thank the healthcare professionals who are doing a heroic job, often in difficult conditions. NATO’s ability to conduct operations has not been undermined by the pandemic. Our forcesContinue Reading