Defence and Intelligence proudly follow the Code of Ethics of the Norwegian Press


This declaration is a joint document agreed upon by The Association of Norwegian Editors and The Norwegian Media Business Association:

An editor shall always keep in mind the ideal purpose of the media. The editor shall promote the freedom of opinion and in accordance with the best of his/her abilities strive for what he/she feels serves society.

Through his/her medium the editor shall promote an impartial and free exchange of information and opinion. The editor shall nurture a type of journalism that makes it clear to the reader what is reporting and submission of information and facts, and what is the opinions and judgements of the newspaper.

An editor is expected to share the fundamental views and aims of his/her publication. But within this framework the editor is entitled to a free and independent leadership of the editorial departement and editorial work and full freedom to shape the opinions of the paper even if they in single matters are not shared by the publisher or the board. If the editor finds himself/herself in irreconcilable conflict with the fundamental views of the medium, the editor is obliged to resign. The editor must never allow himself/herself to be influenced to advocate opinions that are not in accordance with the editor’s own conviction.

The editor carries the judicial responsibility for the paper, and has the full and personal responsibility for the contents of the newspaper. The editor directs and is responsible for the activity of the members of the editorial department and is the link between them and the publisher/board. The editor may delegate authority in accordance with his/her credentials.


Code of Ethics of the Norwegian Press

Ethical Code of Practice for the Press (printed press, radio, television and net publications). Adopted by the Norwegian Press Association June 13. 2015.

Each editor and editorial staff member is required to be familiar with these ethical standards of the press, and to base their practice on this code. The ethical practice comprehends the complete journalistic process from research to publication.

  1. The Role of the Press in Society

1.1. Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Information and Freedom of the Press are basic elements of a democracy. A free, independent press is among the most important institutions in a democratic society.

1.2. The press has important functions in that it carries information, debates and critical comments on current affairs. The press is particularly responsible for allowing different views to be expressed.

1.3. The press shall protect the freedom of speech, the freedom of the press and the principle of access to official documents. It cannot yield to any pressure from anybody who might want to prevent open debates, the free flow of information and free access to sources. Agreements concerning exclusive event reporting shall not preclude independent news reporting.

1.4. It is the right of the press to carry information on what goes on in society and to uncover and disclose matters, which ought to be subjected to criticism. It is a press obligation to shed critical light on how media themselves exercise their role.

1.5. It is the task of the press to protect individuals and groups against injustices or neglect, committed by public authorities and institutions, private enterprises, or others.

  1. Integrity and credibility

2.1 The responsible editor carries personal and full responsibility for the contents of the media and has the final decision in any questions regarding editorial content, financing, presentation and publication. The editor shall act freely and independently towards any persons or groups who – for ideological, economic or other reasons – might want to exercise an influence over the editorial content. The editor shall safeguard the editorial staff’s production of free and independent journalism.

2.2 The editor and the individual editorial staff member must protect their independence, integrity and credibility. Avoid dual roles, positions, commissions or commitments that create conflicts of interest connected to or leading to speculations of disqualification.

  1. 3 Be open on matters that could be relevant for how the public perceive the journalistic content.

2.4 Members of the editorial staff must not exploit their position in order to achieve personal gain, including receiving money, goods or services, that can be perceived as compensation from outsiders for editorial benefits.

2.5 A member of the editorial staff cannot be ordered to do anything that is contrary to his or her convictions.

2.6 Never undermine the clear distinction between editorial copy and advertisements. It must be obvious to the public what is deemed to be commercial content. The distinction must be obvious also when using web links and other connective means. Decline any commercial content that can be confused with the individual medium’s journalistic presentation.

Editorial mention of products, services, brand names and commercial interests, including the media’s own, must be motivated by editorial considerations and must not appear as an advertisement. Maintain an obvious distinction between marketing activities and editorial work. Turn down any offers of journalistic favours in return for advertisements. Avoid indiscriminate reproduction of PR material.

2.8 Hidden advertising is incompatible with good press practice. Commercial interests must not influence journalistic activities, content or presentation. If the editorial material is sponsored, or a programme has product placements, this must be obvious to the public. Sponsorship must always be clearly marked. Sponsorship or product placement in news or current affairs journalism or journalism directed at children is incompatible with good press practice. Direct expenses for journalistic activities must in the main be paid by the editorial department itself. In the event of an exception, the audience must be made aware of what is financed by external interests.

2.9 Members of the editorial staff must not accept assignments from anyone other than editorial management.

  1. Journalistic Conduct and Relations with the Sources

3.1. The source of information must, as a rule, be identified, unless this conflicts with source protection or consideration for a third party.

3.2. Be critical in the choice of sources, and make sure that the information provided is correct. It is good press practice to aim for diversity and relevance in the choice of sources. If anonymous sources are used, or the publication is offered exclusivity, especially stringent requirements must be imposed on the critical evaluation of the sources. Particular caution should be exercised when dealing with information from anonymous sources, information from sources offering exclusivity, and information provided from sources in return for payment.

3.3. Good press conduct requires clarification of the terms on which an interview is being carried out. This also pertains to adjacent research. Any agreement regarding quote check should be made in advance of the interview, and it should be made clear what the agreement includes and what deadlines apply. The editors decide for themselves what should finally be published.

3.4. Protect the sources of the press. The protection of sources is a basic principle in a free society and is a prerequisite for the ability of the press to fulfil its duties towards society and ensure the access to essential information.

3.5. Do not divulge the name of a person who has provided information on a confidential basis, unless consent has been explicitly given by the person concerned.

3.6. In consideration of the sources and the independence of the press, unpublished material as a main rule should not be divulged to third parties.

3.7. It is the duty of the press to report the intended meaning in quotes from an interview. Direct quotes must be accurate.

3.8. Changes of a given statement should be limited to corrections of factual errors. No one without editorial authority may intervene in the editing or presentation of editorial material

3.9. Proceed tactfully in journalistic research. In particular show consideration for people who cannot be expected to be aware of the effect that their statements may have. Never abuse the emotions or feeling of other people, their ignorance or their lack of judgment. Remember that people in shock or grief are more vulnerable than others.

3.10. Hidden cameras/microphones or false identity may only be used under special circumstances. The condition must be that such a method is the only possible way to uncover cases of essential importance to society.

3.11. The press shall as a rule not pay sources or interviewees for information. Exercise moderation when paying a consideration for news tips. It is incompatible with good press practice to employ payment schemes designed to tempt people, without due cause, to invade the privacy of others or to disclose sensitive personal information.

  1. Publication Rules

4.1.Make a point of fairness and thoughtfulness in contents and presentation.

4.2. Make plain what is factual information and what is comment.

4.3. Always respect a person’s character and identity, privacy, etnicity, nationality and belief..Be careful when using terms that create stigmas. Never draw attention to personal or private aspects if they are irrelevant.

4.4. Make sure that headlines, introductions and leads do not go beyond what is being related in the text. It is considered good press conduct to reveal your source when the information is quoted from other media.

4.5. In particular avoid presumption of guilt in crime and court reporting. Make it evident that the question of guilt, whether relating to somebody under suspicion, reported, accused or charged, has not been decided until the sentence has legal efficacy. It is a part of good press conduct to report the final result of court proceedings, which have been reported earlier.

4.6. Always consider how reports on accidents and crime may affect the victims and next-of-kin. Do not identify victims or missing persons unless next-of-kin have been informed. Show consideration towards people in grief or at times of shock.

4.7. Be cautious in the use of names and photographs and other clear identifiers of persons in referring to contentious or punishable matters. Special caution should be exercised when reporting cases at the early stage of investigation, cases concerning young offenders and cases in which an identifying report may place an unreasonable burden on a third party. Identification must be founded on a legitimate need for information. It may, for instance, be legitimate to identify someone where there is imminent danger of assault on defenceless individuals, in the case of serious and repeated crimes, if the identity or social position of the subject is patently relevant to the case being reported on, or where identification protects the innocent from exposure to unjustified suspicion.

4.8. Reporting on children, it is considered good press conduct to assess the implications that media focusing could cause in each case. This also pertains when the person in charge or parent, has agreed to exposure. As a general rule the identity of children should not be disclosed in reports on family disputes or cases under consideration by the childcare authorities or by the courts.

4.9. Be cautious when reporting on suicide and attempted suicide. Avoid reporting that is not necessary for meeting a general need for information. Avoid description of methods or other matters that may contribute to provoking further suicidal actions.

4.10. Exercise caution when using photos in any other context than the original.

4.11. Protect the credibility of the journalistic photograph. Photos used as documentation must not be altered in a way that creates a false impression. Manipulated photos can only be accepted as illustrations if it is evident that it in actual fact is a picture collage.

4.12. The use of pictures must comply with the same requirements of caution as for a written or oral presentation.

4.13. Incorrect information must be corrected and, when called for, an apology given, as soon as possible.

4.14. Those who have been subjected to strong accusations shall, if possible, have the opportunity to simultaneous reply as regards factual information. Debates, criticism and dissemination of news must not be hampered by parties being unwilling to make comments or take part in the debate.

4.15. Those who have been the subject of an attack shall have the chance to reply at the earliest opportunity, unless the attack and criticism are part of a running exchange of views. Any reply should be of reasonable length, be pertinent to the matter and seemly in its form. The reply can be refused if the party in question has rejected, without an objective reason, an offer of presenting a contemporaneous rejoinder on the same issue. Replies and contributions to the debate should not be accompanied by polemic editorial comment.

4.16. Beware that digital publication pointers and links could bring you to other electronic media that do not comply with the Ethical Code. See to it that links to other media or publications are clearly marked. It is considered good press conduct to inform the users of interactive services on how the publication registers you, and possibly exploits your use of the services.

4.17. Should the editorial staff choose not to pre-edit digital chatting, this has to be announced in a clear manner for those accessing the pages. The editorial staff has a particular responsibility, instantly to remove inserts that are not in compliance with the Ethical Code.


We handle the truth

Defence and Intelligence Norway publish quality controlled information regarding security, army, police and last but not least, international intelligence and politics. We handle the truth.

Our Commanding Editor  Jan H. Kalvik has army experience, and has also worked more than 25 years in Norwegian media.
Link to his LinkedIn profile

Our Associate Editor Arne Gerrit Halvorsen has vast experience as Police Chief Inspector and Royal Norwegian Air Force Captain.
Link to his LinkedIn profile

Michael Fayerman, Managing Editor for Intelligence Technology.
Link to his LinkedIn profile

Anne Speckhard, Ph.D, is our Counter-terrorism and Psychology Expert. She is Adjunct Associate Professor of Psychiatry Georgetown University School of Psychiatry.
Link to her LinkedIn profile

Anne Speckhard, Ph.D., is Director of the International Center for the Study of Violent Extremism (ICSVE) and serves as an Adjunct Associate Professor of Psychiatry at Georgetown University School of Medicine. She has interviewed over 700 terrorists, their family members and supporters in various parts of the world including in Western Europe, the Balkans, Central Asia, the Former Soviet Union and the Middle East. In the past five years years, she has in-depth psychologically interviewed over 250 ISIS defectors, returnees and prisoners as well as 16 al Shabaab cadres (and also interviewed their family members as well as ideologues) studying their trajectories into and out of terrorism, their experiences inside ISIS (and al Shabaab), as well as developing the Breaking the ISIS Brand Counter Narrative Project materials from these interviews which includes over 250 short counter narrative videos of terrorists denouncing their groups as un-Islamic, corrupt and brutal which have been used in over 150 Facebook and Instagram campaigns globally.

Ajit Maan, Ph.D., is our Strategic Narrative Expert, She is President of Narrative Strategies, Partner at WeSolve, Invited Affiliate Faculty of George Mason University’s Center for Narrative Conflict Resolution, and Invited Affiliate Faculty at Union University’s Interdisciplinary Doctoral Program.

Link to her LinkedIn profile

Ahmet S. Yayla, Ph.D – Professor and Former Chief of Police, Counter-terrorism Expert. Link to his Linkedin profile

Mr. Paul Cobaugh retired from the US Army as a Warrant Officer after a distinguished career in the US Special Operations CT community, primarily focused on mitigating adversarial influence and advancing US objectives by way of influence. Throughout his career he has focused on the centrality of influence in modern conflict whether it be from extremist organisations or state actors employing influence against the US and our Allies. Post military career he was offered and accepted the position of Vice President at Narrative Strategies, a US based Think-Do Tank which specializes in the non-kinetic aspects of conflict. He has also co-authored, Soft Power on Hard Problems, Hamilton Publishing, 2017.

Link to his LinkedIn profile

Claude Gonot – International Security/Risk Advisor and HEAT (Hostile Environment Awareness Training) instructorSenior International Security/Risk Advisor & HEAT training Instructor / Consultant Former Captain in a French Special Forces and Paratroopers for 30 years. Numerous military and commercial overseas deployments. Experience and skills combined with tenacity, autonomy, flexibility as well as excellent inter-personnel relations ranging from senior client representatives and diplomatic staff to local inhabitants.

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International Intelligence, Anti-terror and Security Expert
Charles Støeng

Charles Støeng is a Norwegian security and anti-terror specialist with over 30 years of international experience. Educated in the French intelligence gathering community with an extensive experience from France, Europe, Africa, and for the last decade and a half, mainly in the Middle East. He is currently holding a senior security position in this region.

Link to his LinkedIn profile

Political scientist/futurist
Professor Sohail Inayatullah

Institutional Professor Sohail Inayatullah is the inaugural UNESCO Chair in Futures Studies. This was held at USIM, Malaysia from 2016-2020. He is a political scientist/futurist at Tamkang University, Taipei; an Associate at Melbourne Business School. From 2001-2020, he was Adjunct Professor from the University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia. From 2011-2014, he was Adjunct Professor at the Centre for policing, counter-terrorism and intelligence, Macquarie University, Sydney. In 1999, he was the UNESCO Chair in European Studies at the University of Trier, Germany. He is a researcher at, a global think-tank and an instructor at

Inayatullah has authored and co-edited twenty-five books/cdroms, including: Futures Thinking in Asia and the Pacific: Why Foresight Matters for Policy Makers (2020); Asia 2038: Ten Disruptions that Change Everything (2018); Transformation 2050: the Alternative Futures of Malaysian Universities (2018); What Works: Case Studies in the Practice of Foresight (winner of the most significant work for 2016, the Association of Professional Futurists); and, CLA 2.0; Transformative Research in Theory and Practice (2015). Inayatullah has written more than 350 journal articles, book chapters, encyclopedia entries and magazine editorials. His articles have been translated into a variety of languages, including Catalan, Spanish, Urdu, Hindi, Bengali, Italian, Japanese, Russian, Indonesian, Farsi, Arabic, and Mandarin.

In the past three years, among other groups, Inayatullah has addressed or conducted foresight workshops for the United Nations and Government of Egypt (oneline platform); Yoga Ecology Festival (online platform); UN-ESCAP, Bangkok, Thailand (online platform); Government of Abu Dhabi, Department of Culture and Tourism (online platform); Bribane Grammar School (online platform); the National Disability Practitioners (online platform); the Civil Service Institute, Office of the Prime Minister, Government of Brunei and Centre for Strategy and Policy Studies, Brunei; Office of the President, Republic of Argentina, Buneos Aires; Converge Capital Markets and Wfuturismo, Rio De Janeiro; Civil Service Institute and Centre for Strategic and Policy Studies, Government of Brunei; the Government of Kazakhstan, Nur Sultan; Brisbane Grammar School, Brisbane; National Agriculture Technology Institute, Buenos Aires; Brisbane Grammar School, Brisbane; Australia Federal Police and the National Commission on Crime Proceedings, Brisbane; the Pakistan Strategy Summit, Karachi; National Disability Services, Sydney; the Asia-Pacific Futures Network, Bangkok; National Economic Development Authority, the Government of the Philippines; Ministry of Education, the Government of Norway, Oslo; Government of Cambodia, Phnom Penh (Sponsored by the Asian Development Bank); Edmund Rice Education Australia, Sydney and Melbourne; The Ministry of Finance and National Planning Reform Commission (the Government of the People’s Republic of China); the Institute for Futures Research, South Africa (via skype); the Government of Armenia, Yerevan (Sponsored by the Asian Development Bank); FAST Yerevan, Armenia; the Ministry of Education, Government of Sri Lanka, Colombo (via skype, sponsored by the Asian Development Bank); Ngai Tahu from New Zealand; Livingstone Shire Council,Yeppoon; The Coroners Court of Victoria, Melbourne; Mind Australia, Melbourne; the Obidyar Fellows, Honolulu; the Asian Development Bank Knowledge Forum, Manila; Z-Punkt, Koln (skype), Communify, Brisbane; Local Government Managers Association, Queensland, Twin Waters; Queensland Deaf Services, Brisbane; Sustainable Economic Growth for Regional Australia, Mackay; The Futures Institute, the Gold Coast; The Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome; Joint Research Centre, European Commission, Brussels; INTERPOL, Singapore; Beyond Storytelling, Hamburg; OIC and COMSATS, Kuala Lumpur; Australia Federal Police, Canberra; the South African Treasury and the University of Pretoria’s Gordon Institute of Business Science; FAO, Bangkok; Prince Mahidol Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation, Bangkok; the Global Leaders Forum, Seoul; Dadabhoy Institute of Higher Education, Karachi; Peryon People Management Association of Turkey, Istanbul; Swissaid, Geneva; UNESCO, Social and Human Services, Paris; United Nations Association of Australia, Perth; Universitair Centrum Sing-Ignatius Antwerpen, Antwerp; the Ministry of Education, Government of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur; Hong Kong Police; Omidyar Fellows, Honolulu; Tablelands Regional Council, Queensland; Montesorri International College, the Sunshine Coast; Government of South Korea, National Employment Information Agency, Seoul; The Institute of Space Technologies, Islamabad, Pakistan; The Knowledge Park, Office of the Prime Minister, Government of Thailand, Bangkok; Adelaide City Council; Worldvision International, Geneva and London; Bond International, London; African Youth Futures Network, UNESCO, Paris; Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, South Africa; National Academy of Sciences and the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, Government of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur; Office of the Prime Minister, Government of Singapore, Singapore; Office of the President, Government of South Korea, Seoul; Office of the Prime Minister, Government of Canada; The European Commission, Brussels; Royal Automobile Club of Western Australia, Perth; Loreto Normanhurst, Sydney; Pearls of Policing (a consortium of Europol, the Dutch Police, the RCMP and the FBI), Hong Kong and Sydney; Australian Council for International Development, Canberra; the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, the Government of Iran, Tehran; Victoria Government, Department of Health and Human Services; Jesuit Social Services, Melbourne; the Lowitja Institute, Melbourne; Centre for Investment Education, Melbourne; the City of Greater Geelong; Department of Fire and Emergency Services, Brisbane, and National Disability Services, Brisbane.

His corporate clients include: PWC, Sydney; The Rutherford Business Group, Auckland; RHB, Kuala Lumpur; Berjaya, Kuala Lumpur; Birdway Management Consulting, Hong Kong; Futures Platform, Helsinki; Bank Pembangunan Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur; Asahi Beverages, Brisbane; Bluescope Steel, Sydney; Northern Queensland Airports, Cairns; Optometry Australia, Melbourne; Bristol Myers Squibb, Singapore; Glaxosmithkline, Melbourne; Australian Pharmaceuticals Association, Sydney; Fuji Xerox, Sydney; Zurich, Sydney; AAMI, Sydney; Tenaga Nasional Berhad, Malaysia, Dow and Sadara Chemical Company, Dubai; National Transport Insurance, Queensland; Stepbeyond, Perth; the Family Wealth Forum, Sydney; Cisco, Melbourne; Indue, Sydney; Ozri, Melbourne; BUPA Group, Melbourne; Ergon, Queensland; Suncorp Bank, Queensland; and John Holland, Queensland.


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International Political Economy and Governance Expert
Senior Expert Editor
Arpit Chaturvedi

Welcome Arpit Chaturvedi to Defence and Intelligence as our Expert Editor with focus on Public Affairs/Governance, Politics and Policy.

Arpit Chaturvedi is the Co-Founder and CEO of Global Policy Insights, a centrist Policy think tank. He is also the Co-Founder of EnviPol, an Environmental Consulting firm based out of India. Along with leading these organisations, he is a Lecturer at the San Francisco State University where he teaches Comparative Perspectives in Public Service to graduate students.
He is a graduate of the Cornell Institute for Public Affairs and holds an MPA degree (Pi Alpha Alpha) with a focus on Governance, Politics, and Policy Studies. He was also the first non-US citizen to hold the position of the Editor-in-Chief of the Cornell Policy Review. He is the author of the book “Our Egalitarian Universe?” and has been the editor of “Not Without her: Communal Harmony” – a monograph printed by the National Foundation for Communal Harmony, Government of India, with essays from the top civil servants of the country. He has published articles in various prestigious journals on the themes of democracy, governance, systems thinking, game theory, history and politics.

Technology Advisor

Raymond Olsen Sebergsen
LinkedIn Profile


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We cover the main news regarding army, terror, anti-terror, security, intelligence, police, defence, politics, government, airforce, politics, navy, airforce, CIA, NATO, CIOR, border control, new weapons, propaganda, international relations, peacekeeping operations, war, democracy, freedom, soldiers, strategy, operations, long term stability programs and more.


Defence and Intelligence Norway

Vi skriver og publiserer nyheter og informative artikler relatert til Forsvaret, Forsvarets ledelse, Forsvarsstaben, Forsvarets operative hovedkvarter, Hæren, Sjøforsvaret, Luftforsvaret, Heimevernet, Etterretningstjenesten i Forsvaret, Reservestyrkene, Politiet, PST, Terror og anti-terror, Regjeringen, NATO, Grensekontroll, Sikkerhet, Våpen og utstyr, Propaganda, Norske og internasjonale relasjoner, Fredsskapende operasjoner, Demokrati og demokratibygging, Strategier, Taktikk og Teknikk.

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