On 5 – 6 June 2024, the NATO Secretary General, Mr Jens Stoltenberg, will travel to Helsinki, Finland. On Wednesday, 5 June, the Secretary General will meet with the President of the Republic of Finland, Mr Alexander Stubb. On Thursday, 6 June, the Secretary General and the President will holdContinue Reading

Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg welcomed Finnish President Alexander Stubb to NATO Headquarters on Wednesday (10 April 2024), just days after Finland celebrated the first anniversary of its accession to the Alliance. The Secretary-General praised Helsinki’s many contributions to NATO, saying “Finland takes security and defence seriously”. “You have long made defenceContinue Reading

From 14 to 16 April 2024, the NATO Deputy Secretary General, Mr Mircea Geoană, will travel to Italy together with the Permanent Representatives to the North Atlantic Council. On Sunday 14 April, Mr Geoană will be in Turin, where he will have meetings, including with representatives of the Italian defenceContinue Reading

Foreign Ministers concluded two days of talks in Brussels on Thursday (4 April 2024) with a meeting of the NATO-Ukraine Council, and another meeting with Indo-Pacific partners and the European Union. Thursday marked 75 years since NATO’s founding. Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg welcomed the landmark, saying: “since 1949, we haveContinue Reading

The Swedish flag was raised at NATO Headquarters for the first time on Monday (11 March 2024) in a ceremony to mark the country’s membership of the Alliance. Sweden became NATO’s 32nd Ally on 7 March upon depositing its instrument of accession to the North Atlantic Treaty with the UnitedContinue Reading