Militant groups such as the Islamic State (IS) and its supporter communities are increasingly capitalising on advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) to disseminate propaganda and disinformation more efficiently and at reduced costs. By exploiting generative AI through easy-to-use and accessible Chatbots and image and audio generators, IS supporters are producingContinue Reading

Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg welcomed Finnish President Alexander Stubb to NATO Headquarters on Wednesday (10 April 2024), just days after Finland celebrated the first anniversary of its accession to the Alliance. The Secretary-General praised Helsinki’s many contributions to NATO, saying “Finland takes security and defence seriously”. “You have long made defenceContinue Reading

Foreign Ministers concluded two days of talks in Brussels on Thursday (4 April 2024) with a meeting of the NATO-Ukraine Council, and another meeting with Indo-Pacific partners and the European Union. Thursday marked 75 years since NATO’s founding. Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg welcomed the landmark, saying: “since 1949, we haveContinue Reading

Complacency is a lethal error in strategy-making and warfare. As Russia has learned in Ukraine, overestimating your capabilities and underestimating your enemy can lead to failure. NATO cannot take its own continued strategic success for granted. By Dr. Kestutis Paulauskas NATO’s 2022 Strategic Concept – the Alliance’s guiding policy documentContinue Reading

‘Throughout the decades of cold war, the Arctic was in many ways a different landscape that was protected from international tension,’ says Marius Nyquist Pedersen in a new report from Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI). A Warming Arctic in a Cold War– consequences of climate change for Norwegian security inContinue Reading

The NATO Invitee associates itself with this Statement The NATO-Ukraine Council (NUC) met today for the first time at the level of Foreign Ministers, as Russia continues its brutal war of aggression, to act together to further deepen the NATO-Ukraine relationship. Allies remain steadfast in their commitment to further stepContinue Reading

The Ukrainian military reported an advance in southeastern Zaporizhzhia Oblast, indicating its forces had crossed the Dnirpro River in southern Kherson Oblast on Oct. 19. The commander of the Tavria Group fighting on the southern front lines, General Oleksandr Tarnavskyi, reported Ukrainian forces had achieved partial success southwest of VerboveContinue Reading

In accordance with an agreement with the Norwegian Defence Logistics Organization (FLO), the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI) monitors and performs chemical analysis and assessment of soil and water samples taken at the Armed Forces demolition facility for munitions in Lærdal municipality. Briefly, the risk to humans and local faunaContinue Reading