Part of the war games the U.S. and Norway are currently conducting ought to involve practice in the deployment of strategic narrative. In what may be the understatement of the decade, one Norwegian official said, “we have gradually seen more and more … strategic messages being sent [by Moscow].” ItContinue Reading

Mandag den 7. mars 1994 møtte jeg opp på Onsrud leir for tjeneste ved UNPROFOR Military Police Company. Her ble det gjennomført et forkurs for oss tre som skulle nedover. Vi hadde daværende kaptein Kristin Lund som instruktør og med sin erfaring fra UNPROFOR fikk vi en god innføring iContinue Reading

The United States and allied military forces will upgrade their missile defense capabilities under a new $1.45 billion contract for production and delivery of Lockheed Martin [NYSE: LMT] Patriot Advanced Capability-3 (PAC-3) and PAC-3 Missile Segment Enhancement (PAC-3 MSE) interceptors. The contract includes PAC-3 and PAC-3 MSE missile deliveries for theContinue Reading

While traveling in Silicon Valley, I noticed the old Lockheed Martin sign. It stood next to Amazon, Microsoft, HP among other technology unicorns. By Managing Editor Intelligence Technology;  Michael Fayerman Lockheed makes a number of sophisticated military components for our military. As our President elect outlined two most important vision statements “making AmericaContinue Reading

UNEF 1 1966/1967 kontingent XX, XXI og XXII Norske FN-soldater hadde allerede vært til stede på Gaza i noen år da Arne Gerrit Halvorsen troppet opp til førstegangstjeneste i Flyvåpenet 6. april 1959. Senere, som ferdig utdannet politimann, rettet han en henvendelse til Hærens overkommando med forespørsel om tjeneste vedContinue Reading

ISIS is claiming credit for inspiring the latest terrorist attacks in Nice, France and on a train in southern Germany as well as a machete attack in Belgium. We don’t know what was in the attackers’ minds or whether ISIS’ claim is false bravado or true, but a video obtainedContinue Reading