Part of the war games the U.S. and Norway are currently conducting ought to involve practice in the deployment of strategic narrative. In what may be the understatement of the decade, one Norwegian official said, “we have gradually seen more and more … strategic messages being sent [by Moscow].” ItContinue Reading

Sunway TaihuLight  became the fastest supercomputer in the world. The previous champion came also from China. What used to be an arms race for supercomputing primacy among technological nations has turned into a major failure by USA By Michael Fayerman Managing Editor/ Intelligence Technology Expert The Sunway TaihuLight is indeedContinue Reading

Once upon a time, used to be that of the most fringe element in the political spectrum was in the left, trying to organize proletarian revolutions, destabilize governments, create so much disruption that people wanting stability put them in power, and, after a few good things, tyranny. Article by: Francisco LopezContinue Reading