NATO and its member states are preparing for the next summit, which will take place in July in Brussels. Numerous diplomats and military personnel within NATO structures and the member-states are working long hours on the content and choreography of the summit.  The strained transatlantic relations, however, threaten the entireContinue Reading

Western states have redefined their take on international security, defence and the very logic that underscores relations between states within the international system during the post-Cold War era. When the Berlin wall fell, and the Soviet Union disintegrated, the West practically dropped the ball on deterrence and defence. As aContinue Reading

Defence and Intelligence Norway: We are the independent  and trusted source when it comes to news and information regarding: army, terror, anti-terror, security, intelligence, police, defence, politics, government, airforce, politics, navy, airforce, CIA, NATO, CIOR, border control, new weapons, propaganda, international relations, peacekeeping operations, war, democracy, freedom, soldiers, strategy, operations, long term stabilityContinue Reading